About Us

Who We Are

Dynamic Ideas is a boutique consulting firm located in Waltham, MA. Our experienced team specializes in Operations Research and Machine Learning, focusing on applications in finance, supply-chain management, revenue management, routing, software, healthcare, and education; We engineer custom-built analytics solutions for our clients and our portfolio companies.

Our Philosophy

Our research team provides a variety of algorithms and methodologies that solve difficult industrial problems using a new perspective. Dynamic Ideas is a research and development group with the mission to provide modelling of real world problems, to exploit research algorithms and methodologies and to create tools, systems, products, and solutions. Prototyping, experimentation and evaluation enables us to test and refine our solutions in real world contexts. Our technologies can operate efficiently in the business context of our clients and provide true business value.

Our Leadership

  • Dimitris Bertsimas

    Managing Partner

    Dimitris Bertsimas is the Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management, a Professor of Operations Research, and the Associate Dean for the Master of Business Analytics at MIT.

    A faculty member since 1988, his research interests include optimization, stochastic systems, machine learning, and their application. In recent years, he has worked in robust optimization, statistics, healthcare, transportation, and finance. Bertsimas was a cofounder of Dynamic Ideas, LLC, which developed portfolio management tools for asset management. In 2002, the assets of Dynamic Ideas were sold to American Express. He is also the founder of Dynamic Ideas Press, a publisher of scientific books, the cofounder of Benefits Science, a company that designs health care plans for companies, of Dynamic Ideas Financial, a company that provides financial advice to customers, P2 Analytics, an analytics consulting company, of MyA Health, a personalized health care advice company, of Interpretable AI, a machine learning company that is bridging the gap between interpretability and performance, and of Alexandria Health, a company that is breathing life into clinical decision support tools.

    Bertsimas has coauthored more than 200 scientific papers and books, including The Analytics Edge (with A. O'Hair and W. Pulleyblank, Dynamic Ideas, 2016) and Machine Learning Under a Modern Optimization Lens (with Jack Dunn). He is former department editor of Optimization for Management Science and of Operations Research in Financial Engineering. A member of the National Academy of Engineering and an INFORMS fellow, he has received numerous research awards, including the Harold Larnder Prize (2016). He has also received recognition for his educational contributions: The Jamieson prize (2013) and the Samuel M. Seegal prize (1999).

    Bertsimas holds a BS in electrical engineering and computer science from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, as well as an MS in operations research and a PhD in applied mathematics and operation research from MIT.

Dynamic Ideas

  • 271 Waverley Oaks Rd
  • Suite 203
  • Waltham, MA 02452
  • Voice: 781-583-7010
  • Fax: 781-300-7818
  • Email: info@dynideas.com

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